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Prescriptions Made Simple

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Safe, Contact-Free Delivery

Secure network and communication channels ensure a safe, contact-free medication delivery for patients. Meanwhile, scheduled pharmacy follow-ups and check-in calls help minimize prescription error and ensure medication is effective.

Dedicated Personal Service

Dedicated home coordinators work around the clock to help ensure a seamless transition home from hospice care. Meanwhile, direct prescription delivery to an in-patient room allows patients to receive the medications they need quickly and efficiently.. 

Simple and Efficient

Partners Pharmacy believes in helping ease the transition between in-patient care and home.  Rx2Home is designed to provide patients with the medication they need in a way that is easy, simple, and effective. Features such as medication delivery directly to a patient before discharge, post-discharge telephonic assessments, and patient medication education help to ensure a simple, easy  transition home.

Reach Out to Learn More About Rx2Home